Sunday, August 11, 2013

New (almost) website for -- and a book in the making

When my previous hosting provider ( had a server error that disintegrated my website, I wasn't happy. After two weeks of waiting and working with them to try and get the site back online, I gave up and moved the hosting somewhere else. I also chose to try a new format because I wasn't sure if a Wordpress issue had caused the earlier problem.
The new site isn't finished -- if you click on a link that doesn't work, please bear with me. I was on vacation when all of this happened, and I'm trying to recreate it with only the graphics and tools on my travel laptop. I'm not complaining -- just that I've been trying to get the new novel finished, and this has been an unexpected bump in the road.
As for the book: the working title is "Bruce and the Murder in the Marsh." It's a departure from the earlier Bruce books in that it features many of the familiar characters BUT they're working together to solve the murder of Agatha's mentor, Cecil. It's my first attempt at a mystery -- a real learning experience -- and a lot of fun. It should be out by mid-October or early November 2013.
Thanks for your patience with the site and waiting for the book -- and I hope you'll check back again to both in their final form soon.
My best to all of you,